What do I need to provide for my website design?

We typically ask you for a few examples of websites you like so we can create a mock-up for you to review. You will also need to provide us with the content for the website; in other words, what goes on the pages. This has proven in the past to be the longest hold up in terms of getting a site launched on time. Many customers simply do not have the time to sit and write content for their websites. It is harder than it sounds, I promise. This page alone took more than 2 hours to write. We recommend at least 300-500 words on every page if you want to rank well in search engines (this one is 1500).

Google Adds Countdown Widget

By Dave Fogel | December 16, 2014

Google just announced  a new countdown widget that makes it easy for advertisers to place countdown times within their ad copy dynamically. With a countdown widget, you can create a sense of urgency for customers to buy what you have now versus later. This includes the ability to set the following messaging in your ad…

Penguin Continues To Roll Out

By Dave Fogel | December 11, 2014

Typically when Google launches a new algorithm update, it is over pretty fast and everyone is scrambling to figure out what to do next. This certainly has not been the case with Google Penguin 3. We’ve been seeing a lot of activity around sites impacted by Google’s Penguin algorithm over the past few weeks. When…

Google Launches Adwords Editor 11

By Dave Fogel | December 11, 2014

Yesterday Google announced the latest version of Adwords editor, now version 11. This version has been completely re-written, which is a good thing because the old version felt like it was done for windows 95. For those of you not familiar with adwords editior, it is a faster way manage your adwords account than simply…