Google Website Optimizer and WordPress

Today I started a test using Google Website Optimizer on WordPress. The manual way of doing this would mean you would need to create 3 different headers and input the correct tracking code in each. While it is not a ton of work, it is a pain in the butt. The better way to do this is of course a pluging. The problem is that most of the plug ins that I found do not work with WP 3.0 and above. Finally I found this one It worked well, but it is a little confusing to use. Instructions would certainly be nice. So I have it up and running. The data should start coming in a few hours so I will write a second blog to see if it is working properly.

Which Google Ads campaign should i use for my Business?

By Dave Fogel | December 18, 2022

Many people associate Google Search Ads, but there are several different types of Google Ads campaigns that you can use for your business, and the best option for you will depend on your specific goals and target audience. Here are a few options to consider: Search ads: Search ads appear in the search results when…

Are Google Ads worth it for small business?

By Dave Fogel | December 17, 2022

Yes, Google Ads can be a great option for small businesses. Google Ads allows businesses to reach their target audiences and engage with potential customers, increasing their online visibility. Additionally, Google Ads can be tailored to the specific needs of small businesses, allowing them to target the right people and optimize their campaigns accordingly. Google…

Are Google Display Ads as effective as Google Search Ads?

By Dave Fogel | December 16, 2022

Google display ads and Google search ads can both be effective at reaching potential customers and achieving your marketing goals, but they work in different ways and may be more effective in certain situations. Here are some key differences between Google display ads and Google search ads: Placement: Google search ads appear in the search…

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Dave Fogel

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