Converting a site to WordPress

So over the last two week, I have spend my free time converting my site over to WordPress. There are several reasons for this. First, I really like the ability to add plug-ins to my site. I also love how easy it is to add new pages and manage the site. There are also the benefits of SEO with great sitemaps and xml sitemaps and more.

So I knew I wanted to make my site look very similar to the old one. I was happy with the older design, but I wanted some new functionality mainly for blogging. I was using Blogger to do my blogs, but since that service is no longer available how I was using it, it was time for something better. I really like WordPress as a blogging tool, but many people don’t realize how good it is as a CMS.

I basically had my old site recreated in a couple of hours, But my site is based on a 12 column grid, and I have my wordpress theme on a 16 column grid. This caused several formatting issues that i am still working out, but I got it looking pretty good.

Next I needed to add all of the pages from the old site. Since I am using the same grid system, it was merely a matter of cut and paste for many of the pages. That sure makes it easy! Some pages are still not done yet. I need new art and I want to edit the flash on those pages to a small size.

So there are more projects to be done. I will blogging about my updates as I go.

Which Google Ads campaign should i use for my Business?

By Dave Fogel | December 18, 2022

Many people associate Google Search Ads, but there are several different types of Google Ads campaigns that you can use for your business, and the best option for you will depend on your specific goals and target audience. Here are a few options to consider: Search ads: Search ads appear in the search results when…

Are Google Ads worth it for small business?

By Dave Fogel | December 17, 2022

Yes, Google Ads can be a great option for small businesses. Google Ads allows businesses to reach their target audiences and engage with potential customers, increasing their online visibility. Additionally, Google Ads can be tailored to the specific needs of small businesses, allowing them to target the right people and optimize their campaigns accordingly. Google…

Are Google Display Ads as effective as Google Search Ads?

By Dave Fogel | December 16, 2022

Google display ads and Google search ads can both be effective at reaching potential customers and achieving your marketing goals, but they work in different ways and may be more effective in certain situations. Here are some key differences between Google display ads and Google search ads: Placement: Google search ads appear in the search…

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Dave Fogel

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