WPML and Genesis Footer

Recently we worked with WPML and the Genesis Framework and had a very hard time getting the Footer to Translate correctly.

The two things we needed to do was “Return to Top” and the credits for the site design.

First we were using Genesis Simple edits to change the footer, but that did not work well at all. We tried several tutorials, but none of the worked.

So we disabled the plugin and dug into functions.php. As always, make sure you backup your functions.php before making any changes.

So with simple edits disabled, we did a search for “return to top” and then entered a translation string for it.

That solved one problem. Next was the credits.

To do that we created a custom credit with the following code.

//* Customize the credits
add_filter( 'genesis_footer_creds_text', 'custom_footer_creds_text' );
function custom_footer_creds_text() {
echo '

'; echo icl_translate( 'wpml', 'my-copy-right', 'Copyright' ); echo '  © '; echo date('Y'); echo ' · Enkelson ·  '; echo icl_translate( 'wpml', 'site-design', 'Web Design By:' ); echo ' NetViper Interactive'; echo '

'; }

In order to get the words translated that we wanted, we had to put in the translation code. So we wanted “copyright” and “Web Design Buy”.

These lines allow us to find it string translation.
echo icl_translate( ‘wpml’, ‘my-copy-right’, ‘Copyright’ );
echo icl_translate( ‘wpml’, ‘site-design’, ‘Web Design By:’ );

So then we simple search and enter the translation just like doing copyright.

Hopefully this helps you out.

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Dave Fogel

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