What do I need to provide for my website design?

We typically ask you for a few examples of websites you like so we can create a mock-up for you to review. You will also need to provide us with the content for the website; in other words, what goes on the pages. This has proven in the past to be the longest hold up in terms of getting a site launched on time. Many customers simply do not have the time to sit and write content for their websites. It is harder than it sounds, I promise. This page alone took more than 2 hours to write. We recommend at least 300-500 words on every page if you want to rank well in search engines (this one is 1500).

Google Panda 3.3

By Dave Fogel | April 11, 2012

Google released Panda 3.3 update in February. Though 40 updates were done, we haven’t seen any change in ranks for the website we do SEO for. What stands out the most to me is: Link evaluation. We often use characteristics of links to help us figure out the topic of a linked page. We have…

Google says SEO is not SPAM

By Dave Fogel | October 26, 2011

Well, it’s official. Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s Web spam team, says that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is not spam. This is not a big surprise to many of use that have been in the industry a lot time, but it helps justify what we do to clients who are not really sure if…

WP-Admin goes blank

By Dave Fogel | October 26, 2011

This can be a serious problem and mean one of your plugins has caused a lot of problems with your site. It is a scary experience when you cannot log in to your own site. That being said, try this first. Look at your functions.php file and find any empty spaces at the top or…