What do I need to provide for my website design?

We typically ask you for a few examples of websites you like so we can create a mock-up for you to review. You will also need to provide us with the content for the website; in other words, what goes on the pages. This has proven in the past to be the longest hold up in terms of getting a site launched on time. Many customers simply do not have the time to sit and write content for their websites. It is harder than it sounds, I promise. This page alone took more than 2 hours to write. We recommend at least 300-500 words on every page if you want to rank well in search engines (this one is 1500).

Once my new website is live, how do I get on Google?

By Dave Fogel | September 3, 2020

After your website is live, we will submit your website to be crawled or indexed by Google. You will see it appear typically in a few weeks. If you are looking to get on the first page of Google, you will need search engine optimization.

What is involved in selling things online? (e-commerce)

By Dave Fogel | September 3, 2020

There are many options out there for e-commerce websites. WordPress/WooCommerce, Shopify, 3d Cart, Big Commerce, and many more. We have experience working with the most popular ones. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. While WooCommerce is free to download, there are many paid add-ons required to start selling products online. You will need a…

What about Website Hosting?

By Dave Fogel | September 3, 2020

When you have a website, it needs to live somewhere on the web – this is what website hosting is. Website hosting can range anywhere from $3 a month to $99+. Not all website hosting is created equal. Budget hosting plans from places like Hostgator or Go Daddy get the job done … barely. You…