Removing “Allowed Tags” on the comment form.

This solution is from the wordpress forums from Emsi.  It is not guaranteed to work on all themes, but it did work fine for me on my theme based on twenty ten.

Follows these steps:

1. back up your functions.php file.

2. Add the following to your functions.php file
function my_comment_form_args($user_identity, $post_id, $req) {
$args = array(
‘comment_notes_after’ => ”
return $args;
3. then replace <?php comment_form();?> with <?php comment_form( my_comment_form_args($user_identity, $post->ID, $req) ); ?> in your comments.php file. That should be the last line.

Thats it.

To see the full thread, visit

Which Google Ads campaign should i use for my Business?

By Dave Fogel | December 18, 2022

Many people associate Google Search Ads, but there are several different types of Google Ads campaigns that you can use for your business, and the best option for you will depend on your specific goals and target audience. Here are a few options to consider: Search ads: Search ads appear in the search results when…

Are Google Ads worth it for small business?

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Are Google Display Ads as effective as Google Search Ads?

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Dave Fogel

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