Local SEO

local seoLocal SEO refers to getting your site ranked on the Google Maps in your local area for local search.

There are several things that are important to Local SEO, but the most important is the NAP- Name Address Phone. This means making sure your Business Listings correctly have your name, address and phone number across all directories. If your listings have different phone numbers, different abbreviations like W. West or W in your address, these subtle differences can affect your map rankings.  We have seen many times clients coming in with all kinds of different variations on their businesses, but once everything is fixed they are able to achieve good map listings.  These listings are often referred to as citations.

Reviews are also an important part to local SEO.  This is something that is free and if you provide good service, your customers should have no problem leaving you a good review on sites like Google and Yelp.

Lastly, you want to have your meta data correctly optimized for local.  You need to make sure you title tags and meta descriptions are geared toward the audience you want.  You also need to make sure you site structure is set-up to help you rank as easily as possible.

Ready to get started or learn more? Give us a call at 904-209-6933 or contact us via our email from on the contact us page.